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Blood Type Diet

BLOOD TYPE DIET  Institute of human Individuality (IHI)

Your blood type is the key that unlocks the door to the mysteries of health, longevity, physical vitality, and emotional strength. Your blood type determines your susceptibility to illness, which foods you should eat, and how you should exercise, it is a factor, in your energy levels, in the efficiency with you burn calories, in your emotional, response to stress, and sometimes even characteristics in your personality. The blood type is one of several medically recognized variations, much like hair and eye color. Many of these variations, such as fingerprint patterns and the more recent DNA analysis, are used extensively by forensic scientists and criminalists. Much of the theory of the blood type diet rests on the actions of lectins, proteins found on the surfaces of foods that react differently with certain blood types.  

According to Dr. Peter D’Adamo, author of bestseller “Eat Right For Your blood Type a chemical reaction occurs between your blood and the foods you eat. This reaction is part of your genetic inheritance. This reaction is caused by a factor called Lectins. Lectins, abundant and diverse proteins found in foods, have agglutinating properties that affect your blood. So when you eat a food containing protein lectins that are incompatible with your blood type antigen, the lectins target an organ or bodily system and begin to agglutinate blood cells in that area. Dr. D'Adamo believes each blood type has different levels of stomach acid and digestive enzymes. This variation creates a difference on how food is digested and absorbed, and how fat is metabolized. D’Adamo claims that the diet will not only cause weight loss — but can assist with allergy and infection resistance, and will achieve overall good health. “Inspired by the saying that one man's food is another man's poison “. There is no calorie counting on the blood type diet. You find the foods that suit you and can essentially eat the quantity that you want. Your body is able to process these foods very efficiently.      Again, this is hinged on your blood type—no calorie counting, no measuring portions. Type O dieters fare well with high-protein meals that include lean organic meats (no more than 6 ounces per meal) and limited amounts of grains, legumes, and beans. Dairy, on the other hand, is poorly tolerated, and wheat products typically cause weight gain. Type A’s do best on a high-carb, low-fat vegetarian regimen. Type B’s can enjoy a varied diet, including dairy and grains. 

Your blood type diet is the restoration of your natural genetic rhythm. Your blood type diet works because you are able to follow a clear, logical, scientifically researched plan based on your cellular profile. Each food groups are divided into three categories: Highly beneficial (food that acts like Medicine), Foods allowed (food that are no harm to the blood type) and Foods not allowed (food that acts like a Poison)

To the naked eye blood is just a simple red blood liquid, that on a trauma situation gets lost from your body and causes death, but under the microscope, red blood cells contain a special type of iron that our bodies use to carry oxygen and also contains proteins that deliver nutrients to the tissue, platelets that help it clot, plasma that contain the guardians of our immune system, and white blood cells that cruise our blood stream like ever vigilant troops protecting us against infection. Your blood type is the key to your body's entire immune system; it controls the influence of viruses, bacteria, infections, chemical, stress, and the entire assortment of invaders and conditions that might compromise your immune system Individuality is based upon personality, diet, lifestyle and genetics. Determination of blood type provides the classic example of heterogeneity      

Standard western medicine is starting to recognize the advantage of taking an individualized approach to biomedical therapy. The role of genetics in affecting medical treatments has long been recognized, though not adequately utilized. Genetic predisposition to a variety of diseases is well known, and includes cancers, diabetes, specifically characterized genetic diseases like Phenylketonuria and Cystic Fibrosis, and also includes the potential for side effects caused by certain medications.  

The Institute for Human Individuality

The Institute for Human Individuality has as its primary stated goal the fostering of education and research in the expanding area of human nutrigenomics and epigenetics. These emerging sciences seek to provide a molecular understanding for how common dietary chemicals affect health by altering the expression or structure of an individual's genetic makeup. The five basic tenets of nutrigenomics are:

  1. Improper diets are risk factors for disease.

  2. Dietary chemicals alter gene expression and/or change genome structure

  3. The degree to which diet influences the balance between healthy and Disease states may depend on an individual's genetic makeup

  4. Some diet-regulated genes (and their normal, common variants) are likely to play a role in the onset, incidence, progression, and/or severity of chronic diseases.

  5. "Intelligent nutrition" - that is, diets based upon genetics, nutritional requirements and status - prevents and mitigates chronic diseases

Under the guidance of Dr. Peter D'Adamo and the Research Faculty, IfHI is committed to assuming a leadership role in this fast-developing field of scientific inquiry.  


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