The Importance of Back Training
The Importance of Back Training
Many people neglect back training because this muscle is not one that typically can be seen in the mirror, unlike the chest and the arms. However, not only does a fully developed back enhances your V-taper, thus creating the illusion of a smaller waist, but it also serves to improve your posture as well by providing much needed strength for every day chores that require pulling.
Your back is characterized by three smaller muscles: latisimus dorsi, rhomboids (upper/middle back), and erector spinae (lower back). These three muscles, along with smaller supporting muscles deep beneath the skin's surface, play a huge role in almost everything you do, from swinging a golf club to sitting at the dinner table.
Erector Spinae: Runs along the lower part of the spine, hereafter referred to as the lower back. Your lower back supports your upper body, extending your spine and flexing it to either side, a part of almost every activity imaginable.
In order to have a fully developed back, the size of the lats need to be maximized in order to attain a wide look, as well as the thickness of the middle back and lower back muscles.